With the other problems there is one serious problem with storage in android mobile. Mobile with storage of
16GB or 32GB only let us to use 11-12GB or 27-28GB and the other left wstorage is consumed by the system.
HERE,by the vast research on this topic we foundthe way to delete the other files of xiaomi mobiles.
As now we can find the good quality of camera in our android so it is difficult to resist our hands from taking the pictures and we take
lots of pictures on our andriods. this results in reduce of storage.Due to the reduce in storage our mobile runs slowly which sometimes
gives us irritation. now in advance androids the smartphone's system backup these pictures by itself by creating thumbnails
of them.hence it is not easy to find that which app is consuming more storage. here we found the simple steps to clear miscelleneous files.
Process to clear other files are as follows:
STEP 1: Open the explorer on your andriod.
STEP 2: Here you will find 'MIUI', open this folder.
STEP 3: Here you find another folder 'gallery'. open this folder
STEP 4: Now you will find another sub-folder "Cloud".
STEP 5: You will find nothing in this folder when you open this folder.
STEP 6: The files in this folder can only be accessed through computer. So connect your android phone with computer using datacable.
STEP 7: Access Internal storage - MIUI - GALLERY - CLOUD.
STEP 8: Here the file named photo._blob
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